本文收集整理关于在纽约大学 就读是怎样一番体验的相关议题,使用内容导航快速到达。
1.Academics: We basically have the option to take anything we chose. Even
for general education classes we can chose from a wide variety of science and
humanities. All of the professors I have encountered are committed to helping
students succeed by challenging us. The registration process is stressful, it
would be anywhere. The workload is challenging but not impossible. The study
abroad options are incredible even for my specific program.
2.Academics: The academics are amazing. All the professors actually care
about the students and are always want to help whenever they can. But the
workload is very rigorous, there is so much to do and it feels like there isnt
any time to do it.
3.Majors: The film program here is phenomenal. Every professor is overly
qualified and willing to put their time in to make sure the students are getting
what they need. While there is a lot of work dedicated to weekends or after
class, thats what filmmaking is. The school makes internships available.
4.Majors: NYU offers a wide variety of majors and through the Gallatin
School it is possible to have a concentration in almost anything. People have
majored in things such as the color blue and smiling. As silly as they may sound
NYU is able to make any major accessible and relatable.
5.Diversity: NYU is overall very diverse. We have a lot of international
students from very different backgrounds. We also have students who associate
with a variety of sexual orientations. From my experience, we have a lot of
non-religious students here, however, I do know a few seriously religious
students as well. I think with such a large, diverse student body there is an
active group for students of each religion to associate with. We do lack
diversity in some ways, as well. Politically, the school is largely liberal, and
due to the cost of attendance, the majority of students, especially
international students, are of high economic status.
6.Diversity: Lots of diversity, NYU really looks for people of different
background, and being NYC, a lot of queer and unconventional people are
attracted to the liberal atmosphere. But being an expensive school, theres a
lot of rich kids here. Not everyone is, but NYU isnt known for its generous
7.Guys & Girls: Students dress however they feel like it, but being in
the city most people dress nice or casually. No one ever looks like theyre in
pajamas. Students are good-looking, but there is a great amount of gays and
lesbians - which is totally fine, but if youre straight its hard to find a
partner on campus.
8.Guys & Girls: Its a pretty typical liberal, big-city campus.
Everyone tends to bustle about in their groups. People tend to be friendly, wave
if they notice you. Washington Square Park is always taken over.
9.Administration: NYU pretty average as far as strictness across the board.
If you get caught drinking in the dorms you can get written up. If you get
written up several times you may have to face disciplinary action. Same as any
other school. Guest policies are pretty simple. You just need to sign your guest
in and out and everyone is happy. I had a friend that went over the sleepover
limit one month and the only thing that happened was she got an email from our
RA. Nothing really came of it.
10.Campus Food: Its relatively expensive, and there arent many options.
It may have to do with the fact that Im from Europe and the food there is
infinitely better in general terms, but I didnt like the dining hall food that
much. Getting a meal plan shouldnt be mandatory. Or at least freshmen should be
allowed to get meal plans with less meals even if they dont live in apartment
style housing—we always have lots of meals left over. If theyre going to force
us to buy too many meals, then at least make it cheaper.
11.Campus Food: The campus dining has an excellent variety to choose from,
as there are about 5 dining halls with different types of food to choose from
(ie. Italian, American, Japanese, Thai, vegetarian, etc.). There are also
several Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, and other chain stores on campus. However,
the only late-night dining hall option available is a burger studio.
12.Campus Housing: The cost of most freshmen dorms is really good. I am
leaving on a 5th ave address for pretty cheap. Its also really close to campus.
However, things start getting more and more expensive and they keep getting
further away from campus in upper class dorms. And the housing selection process
is a joke. Almost all rooms were full for me (even if I had highest priority
because Im a freshman). I cant even imagine what its gonna be like next
13.Campus Housing: It is so nice and convenient to live in the dorms. There
is so much a student gains when they are immersed in the complete college
experience. It is easy to meet with professors and students and focus your time
and energy into your classes. Living on campus is the best and I recommend it to
all my friends who are applying to colleges.
14.Health & Safety: The police is very good on campus, although they
take a bit of time and are sometimes late to arrive. The students safety is all
dependent on themselves; alcohol is not a major issue, but does lead to victims
getting into unforgiving situations at parties or with friends outside
15.Health & Safety: Overall I feel very safe at NYU, even though its
in such a big city. Campus security is around a lot, as well as NYPD. The East
Village is pretty tame. Frankly the occupation of local streets and parks by
NYPD during the protests this past fall has made me more nervous than anything
else Ive witnessed around campus.
Q3:在纽约大学 就读是怎样一番体验
1. 学费贵,但是学术、职业、生活资源异常丰富。
学术方面来讲,图书馆藏书不算极多,但格局令人陶醉,(一位Cooper Union的同学进到图书馆说的第一句话就是“四万学费没白花”)功能也多,自习空间可预订,学术资源中心有写作及各种特色学科辅导服务,有一对一学生家教,星星点点的辅导团队和组织目不暇接。
职业方面来讲,职业中心有先进的找工作系统,配套免费的写简历,培训面试的服务,在Welcoming week有优秀校友讲座,这也算是纽约大学最得天独厚和引以为豪的资源之一了。
2. 活动包罗万象、极具创意、娱乐资源叹为观止
娱乐方面,纽约大学Welcoming Week将纽约的灯红酒绿和纸醉金迷都带进了校园:在文娱中心楼顶的虚拟赌博、曼哈顿环岛游轮,party,全民竞猜,加上周边的歌剧舞剧和球赛,这些世界中心级别的娱乐体验绝对是空前绝后的。社团涵盖面较广。包括开学典礼在内的所有官方校园活动的选材和流程都别出心裁,其中的很多元素也无愧于拥有“全美第一艺术学院的综合大学”的称号。
3. 宿舍多样,总有一款适合你